Friday, September 18, 2009

Weapons of Warfare

The Christian society and Satan's society are in an epic battle. These societies are armies, in which, humans play the role of soldiers. Unfortunately, Satan's army finds its strength in numbers, but their weapons of warfare are weak. The soldiers have to earn their ranking and with higher rank comes value and glory. God's warriors are already valued, but they must accept their role in His humble army and obey His commands. The Lord provides His army with weapons of faith, hope and love. The strongest weapon that Satan can provide is death. For a short while it appears that Satan will win the battle because of the size of his army and his cunning tactics. Some of the soldiers in God's army will drop their weapons and surrender. They will throw out their faith first because they cannot see its power, then they will lose hope when Satan's army starts to attack and the wounds become too much to bear. They will eventually join the other side and ensure their own defeat. For it is love that will win the battle. This is not a humanly love, but the love that God gives us is a love that cannot pass away. His love is immune to any deceit, it can heal any wounds, strike down any enemy, and overpower any other weapon. Satan's army will fall into a tragic defeat while the Lord's army celebrates an eternal victory.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational blog! It makes me want to take up arms and kick some butt!...for a good cause!
