Sunday, September 20, 2009

I'm a Blogger

My overall impression of blogging is that it helps me to become a more comfortable writer. It was rough when I first started. I was dreading the thought of putting my novice writing on the world wide web for anyone to see and I would spend hours thinking about what I was going to write. Even after all that, it was still hard for me to blog out my thoughts when I sat down at my computer, so for a couple of the first blogs I wrote an informal outline to straighten out my unorganized ideas. Looking back at those paragraphs I can see that they were written well (possibly better than any of my later ones), but there is an obvious discomfort in them. Although I meant every word that I said, the way that I said it was so planned out that it lost the personal quality that is so important to me and my readers. I still have to think about what I am going to write before I ever look at my computer, but I am better at choosing things to talk about that I have strong opinions on. Outlines are no longer a necessity for unscrambling my thoughts and, although it still takes me a while to transfer those ideas from my mind to my paper, the words are beginning to come more naturally. I don't know if I will ever be a productive writer or feel the flow of words rush through me, but I believe Steven King was right when he said, "[w]hether it's a vignette of a single page or an epic trilogy like The Lord of the Rings, the work is always accomplished one word at a time" (King 151). Therefore, I will rely on the ease of my writing to grow with every word I blog.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way. At first I was a little hesitant to try anything like blogging and I didn't really know what to write about or how to write. I was so uptight about it my blogs were more formal and less personal. This week I was trying to change that and write stuff that came to my mind that reminded me of this class. I now am writing for the joy of it and letting what I think about end up on a page. I'm hoping that I will be able to use this blog for future papers and maybe just for fun after the semester has ended.
